Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Finding data in CSV file from other CSV file

#Create folder 
$Path = "C:\Temp\PowerShell - Enterprise\PSTN\90 days" # Location of file to be saved
$PSTNLicenseUserSource = Import-Csv -Path "$($path)\PSTNLicenseUserDomesticlCalling120.csv" # CSV file having list of user with license 
$30DaysTeamsLogs = Import-Csv -Path "$($path)\TeamsLogs.csv" # CSV file downloaded from Teams logs for last 30 days 

$Datetime= Get-Date -Format
$LogFileName=([string]::Concat("$($path)\Teams_Report " , $Datetime ,".csv"))
New-Item  $LogFileName  -ItemType file
Add-Content $LogFileName -Value ([string]::Concat("Email"+","+ "Total Call" +","+ "Accessed in 30 days Yes/No"))

    ForEach ($PSTNLicenseUser in $PSTNLicenseUserSource)

        $30DaysTeamLogsSingleUserData = $30DaysTeamsLogs |  where {$_.UPN -eq $PSTNLicenseUser."User principal name" } 
        $DataMatchInTeamsLogs =  $30DaysTeamLogsSingleUserData | Select-Object -first 1

        If($DataMatchInTeamsLogs) # If record gets found 
            #Write-Host $DataMatchInTeamsLogs.UPN -ForegroundColor green
            #Add-Content $LogFileName -Value ([string]::Concat($($DataMatchInTeamsLogs.UPN) +","+ $($DataMatchInTeamsLogs."Duration Seconds") +","+ "Yes"))

        else #Unable to find the record

        Write-Host $PSTNLicenseUser."User principal name" -ForegroundColor white
        Add-Content $LogFileName -Value ([string]::Concat($($PSTNLicenseUser."User principal name") +","+ "0" +","+ "No"))

