#1)Create a page with normal layout in SharePoint Connect-PnPOnline https://shared.sharepoint.com/sites/IT Get-PnPClientSidePage -Identity results Set-PnPClientSidePage -Identity results -LayoutType HeaderlessSearchResults
#1)Create a page with normal layout in SharePoint Connect-PnPOnline https://shared.sharepoint.com/sites/IT Get-PnPClientSidePage -Identity results Set-PnPClientSidePage -Identity results -LayoutType HeaderlessSearchResults
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement $Credential = Get-Credential #-credential used to connect Azure AD $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri https://outlook.office365.com/powershell-liveid/ -Credential $Credential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection Import-PSSession $Session -DisableNameChecking -AllowClobber $StartDate=(((Get-Date).AddDays(-30))).Date # Report for last 30 days $EndDate=Get-Date $Operation="UserLoggedIn" #Login details $Results=Search-UnifiedAuditLog -UserIds 'Abc@abc.com' -StartDate $StartDate -EndDate $EndDate -operations $Operation -ResultSize 1 |select UserIds , CreationDate $Results
#http://hilite.me/ #Create folder $Path = "C:\Temp\PowerShell - Enterprise\PSTN\90 days" # Location of file to be saved $PSTNLicenseUserSource = Import-Csv -Path "$($path)\PSTNLicenseUserDomesticlCalling120.csv" # CSV file having list of user with license $30DaysTeamsLogs = Import-Csv -Path "$($path)\TeamsLogs.csv" # CSV file downloaded from Teams logs for last 30 days $Datetime= Get-Date -Format dd_MM_yyyy_HH.mm.ss $LogFileName=([string]::Concat("$($path)\Teams_Report " , $Datetime ,".csv")) New-Item $LogFileName -ItemType file Add-Content $LogFileName -Value ([string]::Concat("Email"+","+ "Total Call" +","+ "Accessed in 30 days Yes/No")) ForEach ($PSTNLicenseUser in $PSTNLicenseUserSource) { $30DaysTeamLogsSingleUserData = $30DaysTeamsLogs | where {$_.UPN -eq $PSTNLicenseUser."User principal name" } $DataMatchInTeamsLogs = $30DaysTeamLogsSingleUserData | Select-Object -first 1 If($DataMatchInTeamsLogs) # If record gets found { #Write-Host $DataMatchInTeamsLogs.UPN -ForegroundColor green #Add-Content $LogFileName -Value ([string]::Concat($($DataMatchInTeamsLogs.UPN) +","+ $($DataMatchInTeamsLogs."Duration Seconds") +","+ "Yes")) } else #Unable to find the record { Write-Host $PSTNLicenseUser."User principal name" -ForegroundColor white Add-Content $LogFileName -Value ([string]::Concat($($PSTNLicenseUser."User principal name") +","+ "0" +","+ "No")) } }
try { $var = Get-AzureADTenantDetail } catch [Microsoft.Open.Azure.AD.CommonLibrary.AadNeedAuthenticationException] { Write-Host "You're not connected."; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red " *** Error With Azure AD Connection **" $Credential = Get-Credential #-credential used to connect Azure AD Connect-AzureAD -Credential $Credential } $Path = "C:\Temp\PowerShell - Enterprise\Process" # Location of file to be saved Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true | Export-Csv -Path ""$($path)\Processes.csv"" -NoTypeInformation # Pull the list of all enterprise apps in the Tenant $AppListSource = Import-Csv -Path "$($path)\Processes.csv" # Read the CSV file having list of all Apps name , $Datetime= Get-Date -Format dd_MM_yyyy_HH.mm.ss $LogFileName=([string]::Concat("$($path)\Apps_Report " , $Datetime ,".csv")) New-Item $LogFileName -ItemType file Add-Content $LogFileName -Value ([string]::Concat("Application Display Name"+","+ "Oject ID" +","+ "App ID"+","+ "Application Access Dates"+","+ "UserPrincipalName")) ForEach ($AppNameSource in $AppListSource) { $varAppId = $AppNameSource.AppId $LoginDetails = Get-AzureAdAuditSigninLogs -top 1 -filter "AppId eq '$varAppId'" | select CreatedDateTime, userprincipalname Write-Host $AppNameSource.DisplayName "--" $LoginDetails.userprincipalname -ForegroundColor white Add-Content $LogFileName -Value ([string]::Concat($($AppNameSource.DisplayName) +","+ $($AppNameSource.ObjectId) +","+ $($AppNameSource.AppId)+","+ $LoginDetails.CreatedDateTime+","+ $LoginDetails.userprincipalname)) $value = $LoginDetails.userprincipalname if ( $value -ne $null ) { $appId = $AppNameSource.AppId # Check if a service principal already exists for the app $servicePrincipal = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Filter "appId eq '$appId'" if ($servicePrincipal) { # Service principal exists already, disable it Set-AzureADServicePrincipal -ObjectId $servicePrincipal.ObjectId -AccountEnabled $false } } }
#Connect with Azure AD UserPrincipalName try { $var = Get-AzureADTenantDetail } catch [Microsoft.Open.Azure.AD.CommonLibrary.AadNeedAuthenticationException] { Write-Host "You're not connected."; Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red " *** Error With Azure AD Connection **" $Credential = Get-Credential #-credential used to connect Azure AD Connect-AzureAD -Credential $Credential } $Path = "C:\Temp\PowerShell - Enterprise\Process" # Location of file to be saved Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true | Export-Csv -Path ""$($path)\Processes.csv"" -NoTypeInformation # Pull the list of all enterprise apps in the Tenant $AppListSource = Import-Csv -Path "$($path)\Processes.csv" # Read the CSV file having list of all Apps name , $Datetime= Get-Date -Format dd_MM_yyyy_HH.mm.ss $LogFileName=([string]::Concat("$($path)\Apps_Report " , $Datetime ,".csv")) New-Item $LogFileName -ItemType file Add-Content $LogFileName -Value ([string]::Concat("Application Display Name"+","+ "Oject ID" +","+ "App ID"+","+ "Application Access Dates"+","+ "UserPrincipalName")) ForEach ($AppNameSource in $AppListSource) { $varAppId = $AppNameSource.AppId $LoginDetails = Get-AzureAdAuditSigninLogs -top 1 -filter "AppId eq '$varAppId'" | select CreatedDateTime, userprincipalname Write-Host $AppNameSource.DisplayName "--" $LoginDetails.userprincipalname -ForegroundColor white Add-Content $LogFileName -Value ([string]::Concat($($AppNameSource.DisplayName) +","+ $($AppNameSource.ObjectId) +","+ $($AppNameSource.AppId)+","+ $LoginDetails.CreatedDateTime+","+ $LoginDetails.userprincipalname)) }
$Path = "C:\Temp\PowerShell - Enterprise\Final" # Location of file to be saved $AppListSource = Import-Csv -Path "$($path)\AppList.csv" # CSV file having list of all Apps name , "Apps to review" tab $30DaysAppLogs = Import-Csv -Path "$($path)\Logs.csv" # CSV file downloaded from Azure Apps logs for last 30 days $Datetime= Get-Date -Format dd_MM_yyyy_HH.mm.ss $LogFileName=([string]::Concat("$($path)\Apps_Report " , $Datetime ,".csv")) New-Item $LogFileName -ItemType file Add-Content $LogFileName -Value ([string]::Concat("Application Name"+","+ "Oject ID" +","+ "Accessed in 30 days Yes/No")) ForEach ($AppNameSource in $AppListSource) { $TempData = $30DaysAppLogs | where {$_.Target1DisplayName -eq $AppNameSource.Target1DisplayName } $DataMatch = $TempData | Select-Object -first 1 If($DataMatch) { Write-Host $DataMatch.Target1DisplayName -ForegroundColor white Add-Content $LogFileName -Value ([string]::Concat($($DataMatch.Target1DisplayName) +","+ $($DataMatch.Target1ObjectId) +","+ "Yes")) } else { Write-Host $DataMatch.Target1DisplayName -ForegroundColor white Add-Content $LogFileName -Value ([string]::Concat($($AppNameSource.Target1DisplayName) +","+ $($AppNameSource.Target1ObjectId) +","+ "No")) } }
$loginURL = "https://login.microsoftonline.com" $resource = "https://graph.microsoft.com" $ClientSecret="qA-.-tt1A3rlu_4pe" $ClientID="6301d5-e-45-6b4675a9a" # App id $TenantName="test.onmicrosoft.com" #Repeating Function to get an Access Token based on the parameters: function RefreshToken($loginURL,$ClientID,$clientSecret,$tenantName) { $body = @{grant_type="client_credentials";client_id=$ClientID;client_secret=$ClientSecret;scope="https://graph.microsoft.com/.default"} $oauthResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri $loginURL/$TenantName/oauth2/v2.0/token -Body $body return $oauthResponse } #BUILD THE ACCESS TOKEN $oauth=RefreshToken -loginURL $loginURL -resource $resource -ClientID $ClientID -clientSecret $ClientSecret -tenantName $TenantName $Identity = $oauth.access_token #$ClientSecret1 = "qA-.-tDjp6n5Wc9d84~tmset1A3rlu_4pe" #$ClientSecret = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $ClientSecret1 -AsPlainText -Force #$Token = Get-MsalToken -clientID $ClientID -tenantID $tenantId -Scope 'https://graph.microsoft.com/Policy.Read.All' -RedirectUri "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient" -clientsecret $ClientSecret #$Identity = $Token.AccessToken $headerParams = @{'Authorization'="$($oauth.token_type) $($Identity)"} $CAPolicies = "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/conditionalAccess/policies" #$CAPolicies = "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/conditionalAccess/policies/06108f32-1950-4342-ae8f-968121a366d4" $apirequest = (Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $headerParams -Uri $CAPolicies -Method GET) $Logs = @() foreach ($event in ($apirequest.Content | ConvertFrom-Json| select -ExpandProperty value)) { $Log = New-Object System.Object $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy ID" -Value $event.id $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Name" -Value $event.displayName $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy State" -value $event.state $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Last Updated Time" -value $event.modifiedDateTime $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Session Controls App Enforced Restrictions" -Value $event.sessionControls.applicationEnforcedRestrictions $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Session - CA App Control" -value $event.sessionControls.cloudAppSecurity $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Session - Sign in Frequency" -value $event.sessionControls.signInFrequency $IncludedUsers = $event.conditions.users.includeUsers -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Included Users" -Value $IncludedUsers $ExcludedUsers = $event.conditions.users.excludeUsers -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Excluded Users" -Value $ExcludedUsers $IncludedGroups = $event.conditions.users.includeGroups -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Included Groups" -Value $IncludedGroups $ExcludedGroups = $event.conditions.users.excludeGroups -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Excluded Groups" -Value $ExcludedGroups # $IncludedRoles = $event.conditions.users.includeRoles -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Included Roles" -Value $IncludedRoles $ExcludedRoles = $event.conditions.users.excludeRoles -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Excluded Roles" -Value $ExcludedRoles $IncludedApps = $event.conditions.applications.includeApplications -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Included Applications" -value $IncludedApps $ExcludedApps = $event.conditions.applications.excludeApplications -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Excluded Applications" -value $ExcludedApps $IncludedUserActions = $event.conditions.applications.includeUserActions -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy User Actions" -value $IncludedUserActions $ClientTypes = $event.conditions.clientAppTypes -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Conditions - Client Apps " -value $ClientTypes $IncludedDevices = $event.conditions.devices.includeDeviceStates -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Conditions - Included Device States" -Value $IncludedDevices $ExcludedDevices = $event.conditions.devices.excludeDeviceStates -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Conditions - Excluded Device States" -Value $ExcludedDevices $IncludedLocations = $event.conditions.locations.includeLocations -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Conditions - Included Locations" -value $IncludedLocations $ExcludedLocations = $event.conditions.locations.excludeLocations -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Conditions - Excluded Locations" -value $ExcludedLocations $IncludedPlatforms = $event.conditions.platforms.includePlatforms -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Conditions - Included Device Platforms" -value $IncludedPlatforms $ExcludedPlatforms = $event.conditions.platforms.excludePlatforms -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Conditions - Excluded Device Platforms" -value $ExcludedPlatforms $SignInRiskLevels = $event.conditions.signInRiskLevels -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Conditions - SignInRiskLevels" -Value $RiskLevels $UserRiskLevels = $event.conditions.userRiskLevels -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Conditions - UserRiskLevels" -value $UserRiskLevels $BuildInControls = $event.grantControls.builtInControls -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Controls" -Value $BuildInControls $AuthFactors = $event.grantControls.customAuthenticationFactors -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Auth Factors" -value $AuthFactors $TermsOfUse = $event.grantControls.termsOfUse -join "; " $Log | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Policy Terms Of Use" -value $TermsOfUse $Logs += $Log } Write-host "Add the Path you'd like us to export the CSV file to, in the format of <c: sers="">\Desktop\Users.csv>" -ForegroundColor white -BackgroundColor Black $Logs | Export-CSV "C:\Temp\MFA Report\Results.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 </c:>
Connect-AzureAD Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -All $true | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Temp\PowerShell - Enterprise\Processes.csv" -NoTypeInformation
$adminUPN="ABC@Test.onMicrosoft.com" $userCredential = Get-Credential -UserName $adminUPN -Message "Type the password." $sfbSession = New-CsOnlineSession -Credential $userCredential Import-PSSession $sfbSession Get-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy | Select-Object -Property Identity, RecordingStorageMode
# Below updated code
Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -Force -AllowClobber $credential = Get-Credential Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $credential Get-CsTeamsMeetingPolicy | Select-Object -Property Identity, RecordingStorageMode
$GroupdID = "7519627166" # ID of the group where users need to be added as a member $bearer_token = "dapi4defcba7682aff5-2" $workspaceURL ="https://adb-85238717.17.azuredatabricks.net" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $url = "$workspaceURL/api/2.0/preview/scim/v2/Groups/$GroupdID" $headers = @{Authorization = "Bearer $bearer_token"} $par = '{ "schemas":[ "urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp" ], "Operations":[ { "op":"add", "value":{ "members":[ { "value": "287484517 - ID of the user which needs to be added into above group" } ] } } ] }' Invoke-WebRequest $url -Method PATCH -Headers $headers -Body $par -ContentType 'application/json'
$bearer_token = "dapi4de9600e2aff5-2" $headers = @{"Authorization"= "Bearer $bearer_token" "Content-Type" = "application/json" } $hosturl="https://adb-8523889618.17.azuredatabricks.net" $uri="$hosturl/api/2.0/preview/scim/v2/Users" Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Get' -Uri $uri -Headers $headers
# Script to add the user to Azure Data Lake workspace with allow-cluster-create access $url = "https://adb-5890072754.14.azuredatabricks.net/api/2.0/preview/scim/v2/Users" $groupid= "736317399920" # Get the Admin ID from the other script $bearer_token = "dapie53ab46ca47e3e3a69f12a75c6-2" $headers = @{Authorization = "Bearer $bearer_token"} $par = '{ "schemas":[ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User" ], "userName":"databrickser-2@globeduc.onmicrosoft.com", "displayName":"User 2", "groups":[ { "value":"$groupid" } ] }' Invoke-WebRequest $url -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $par -ContentType 'application/json'
# Script to add the user to Azure Data Lake workspace with allow-cluster-create access $url = "https://adb-58900332754.14.azuredatabricks.net/api/2.0/preview/scim/v2/Users" $bearer_token = "dapie53af3e778b46c69f12a75c6-2" $headers = @{Authorization = "Bearer $bearer_token"} $par = '{ "schemas":[ "urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User" ], "userName":"databricksuser-2@globaleduc.onmicrosoft.com", "displayName":"User 2", "entitlements":[ { "value":"allow-cluster-create" } ] }' Invoke-WebRequest $url -Method Post -Headers $headers -Body $par -ContentType 'application/json'
# Script to get the Admin Group ID from the Azure Data Lake workbook $bearer_token = "47e3e3a69f1676c6-2" $headers = @{"Authorization"= "Bearer $bearer_token" "Content-Type" = "application/json" } $hosturl="https://adb-54.14.azuredatabricks.net" $uri="$hosturl/api/2.0/preview/scim/v2/Groups" Invoke-RestMethod -Method 'Get' -Uri $uri -Headers $headers #-------Below Result Output --------------------------------------------------- totalResults : 2 startIndex : 1 itemsPerPage : 2 schemas : {urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:ListResponse} Resources : {@{displayName=users; members=System.Object[]; groups=System.Object[]; id=718921211231112107551}, @{entitlements=System.Object[]; displayName=admins; members=System.Object[]; groups=System.Object[]; id=736317356711920}}