Friday, October 18, 2013

Sharepoint 2010 user profile configuration step by step

Steps is as below

1) Create a new MySite sitecollection
2) Create a new user profile service in manage services.(If already there than delete this and create again)
3) Check the below things
1) Account should be farm account and local admin account.
2) Go to Application server click Run > Secpol.msc > Local policy > User rights Assignment > Allow log on locally Add the user.
        3) Go to DC > Administrative tools > Active directory users and computers > Select domian > Right click select Delegate control > follow the below images.

4) Go to run type service.msc Check Forefront identity manager services and Forefront identity manager synchronization services should run with 
domain account try to use the same account as above with service Service type Automatic. Do not  start it now. This will be automatic start once you start the machine.
5) Go to SharePoint central admin > Application management > manage services on server > start user profile services > Start user profile synchronization services.
6) Restart the machine. Once done check userprofile service , both forefront service in services .msc and also check the user profile synchronization services in SharePoint CA.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

SP Powershell command for Backup and Restore

site collection backup:
backup-spsite -identity http://gss-w7g-0793 -path \\GSS-W7G-0793\share\rootsite.bak

restore-spsite -identity http://gss-w7g-0793 -path \\GSS-W7G-0793\share\rootsite.bak

site backup
export-spweb -identity "http://gss-w7g-0793/Training Blank Site" -path \\GSS-W7G-0793\share\TrainingBlank.cmp -IncludeUserSecurity

import-spweb -identity "http://gss-w7g-0793/Training Blank Site" -path \\GSS-W7G-0793\share\TrainingBlank.cmp  -IncludeUserSecurity

document library backup
export-spweb -identity http://gss-w7g-0793 -path \\GSS-W7G-0793\share\DocumentLib.cmp -itemurl /DC

document library restore
Import-SPWeb -Identity http://gss-w7g-0793 –Path \\GSS-W7G-0793\share\DocumentLib.cmp –UpdateVersions -Overwrite

list backup
Export-SPWeb -Identity http://gss-w7g-0793 -Path \\GSS-W7G-0793\share\listBackup.cmp -ItemUrl "/Lists/Calendar"

Import-SPWeb http://site –Path export.cmp –UpdateVersions -Overwrite

document library backup
Export-SPWeb -Identity http://gss-w7g-0793 -Path C:\SP2010_Backups\testlibbkp2s.cmp -ItemUrl test -Force

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


# This will show all service application pool 
Remove-SPServiceApplicationPool TestServiceWebApplicationPool
# This will remove service application pool 

